
Author guidelines

Both conventional and extended abstracts are welcome according to the author’s needs. You are cordially invited to submit an abstract before May 31, 2024, to Please use these templates to prepare your abstract.


Abstract template (MS Word)

A special issue of the Journal of Constructional Steel Research (JCSR) will be organized, and we will cordially invite all participants to contemplate expanding their abstracts into full-length papers for potential publication in this special issue. The submission requirements can be found on the website of the journal.


Each presenting author will be given 15 minutes to speak in parallel sessions, including 12 minutes for an oral presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. Please prepare your oral presentation according to this time limit. For best visual impact, we recommend that you present in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Oral presentations should be prepared and communicated in English.


Please copy the presentation to the conference computer in the conference room with the assistance of the support team at least half a day before the start of the parallel session. Prior to the start of the session, please report your attendance to the session chair, especially if the presenter is different from the oral presenter of your recorded paper.